Wednesday, September 27, 2006

QotD: I'm Grateful For...

Let's make a list.  What are 20 things in your life that you're grateful for? 
Inspired by

1. My Boys; Scott, Ian and Jamie

2.  My Family

3. a God who loves me, unconditionally.

4. Candied Ginger

5. a roof over my head

6. bills that get paid.. late some times.. but get paid

7. heat, electricity,  a computer and a cel phone

8. music .... music .... music

9. all the beasties I share my life with.

10. sunrise and sunset

11. Autumn

12. chocolate

13. coffee (with cream)

14. my health, however relative that is

15. flowers, monach butterflies, buckeye trees

16. who I am

17. that my life has been without a major tradgedy

18. big orange daisies

19. Mops, other mommies, anyone who smiles and waves as I pass them in my car.

20. a car that runs... yeah its a rusty beast, but it runs.

21. everyday above ground 

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