Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Trapped in Webkinz World

My children have each been given a Webkinz. If you aren't familiar with these little critters think of a combination of Beanie Babies and Second Life. You buy (or receive) a little stuffed animal, and it comes with a "secret code" the secret code unlocks a virtual pet and gets you into Webkinz World for a year. So you have a brand new stuffed animal and its Psuedo-Second Life replica on Webkinz World.

Our family are the proud owners of a Cheeky Monkey and a Google. What is a Google you ask? Its kind of a cross between a bowling pin and a platypus, bowling pin shaped with a bill and webbed feet. ( I have to admit its a cute little creature.. but then I was always into stuffed animals as well as real ones)

I have mixed emotions on this set up. Starting with our initial panic over whether or not we could even access the World, as the tags all say High-speed internet required (and we are on dial-up) I have to admit initially I was annoyed with there being yet another thing that wasn't dial-up friendly. (that could be a whole rant in and of its self., no contrary to popular belief there are still dial-up users.)  Right away the Adoption window opened for us, and the kids opened their accounts and adopted their pets. And then, The World would not load. We could not get onto Webkinz World to play with , visit , or feed our pets.  Yes, you have to feed them or they get sick. Right away I figured our virtualkinz would die while we waited for the page to load.. and how fair is that to a 7 or 4  year old? I couldn't hide the World from them a cousin had already told them ALL about it. (You can send letters to each other though KinzPost!!! I'll send you a note!!!)

After an entire evening of "Mom I want to play in Webkinz world"  mixed with "I'm sorry honey, it wont load and I cant fix it, why dont you go play with the real Zelda, she has never seen a movie,  lets watch finding Nemo"  (Oh yeah, the Google is named Zelda) We did finally get the World to load the next day. And we came up on our next road block, we could buy the escential to there health bed for the pet to sleep in, but we could not put it in our room. So we called PeerTech Support (otherwise known as the cousins with webkinz and cable internet) We had them log in as us and but our bed in the room, over the phone the first thing I heard as they logged in was the 9 year old girl wail, "They aren't feeding her!! she is going to get sick!!!)

 The kids can play with their pet or take it to the arcade to play games there. there are some learning games and some standard game fair, all of which loads  for us. The kids get to play for about 1/2 hour a day. And I'll admit it I like to play the bejeweled knock off game. (someone has to earn enough Kinzcash to feed the pets) 

But I do have a few misgivings still. Our pets are happy with daily attention, so I don't know for sure, but you can "buy" you pet things, and I think you could be gone all week sweep in and play enough games to win Kinzcash and buy your pets happiness once a week... I'm wondering what precedent that sets? We did buy our pets bath tubs and back yards.. The pets get a bath and put in bed when we log out. I think that should mirror life, you get ready for bed then "logout" of the day.

I'm keeping a close eye the kids virtual experience. but I'm still wondering just how healthy the whole adventure is. I guess its all in how you spin it.

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Sunday, July 22, 2007

QotD: Best Wizard, Hands Down

Who is your favorite wizard of all time?

I have to go with a classic, Merlin. yes Merlin of Arthurian legend.

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Saturday, July 21, 2007

QotD: [is this good?] - Posh & Becks

Posh and Becks have moved to Los Angeles: [is this good?]

Don't care, really, don't know why they are wasting airwaves with a show about it and can't figure out why its a QoD...

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Wednesday, July 18, 2007

QotD: Star Athlete

Which professional athlete in any sport has the most star power?

None of them should have star "power" we give them too much influence over our lives.

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Wednesday, July 11, 2007

QotD: Best Practical Joke

What's the best practical joke you've pulled or had pulled on you? 
Submitted by Mike Schwartz.

does using a drunken passed out pledge at a frat party as a guest book count? After all it was my colorful collection of sharpies, and after I signed his forehead everyone else joined in....

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Friday, July 6, 2007

Mama Kitty, aka Peach II

So our black and white, male cat, Tux, who adopted us last summer, has brought home a wife, and she has had a kitten. She is still leary of us and so every time we find her kitten she moves it on us.

 I spotted it when she moved it closer to the house up to the garage at about 2 weeks, and she immediately moved it. Then hubby found it in the shed the next week, and so we gave it a good checking out, yes we handled it.. Eyes open hissing little threatening baby hisses at us.  And now mama is hiding her baby under the garage. We cant get to it. We were hoping if we could get our hands on it we could remedy the babies fear of us just a bit and have a head start at being friends, since Mama only visits for th e food.

The kids would like to see the kitten too but alas, I cannot fit under the scary garage to get a hold of it. .. I guess we will have to bribe Mama AND Baby to be our friends......

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Thursday, July 5, 2007

QotD: Sorry, You Can't Wear That Anymore

What clothing item do you wish could be banned?
Submitted by Mike E.

There are so many things to choose from......

Anything that is meant to be "too tight" looking, especially things with buttons.... I have spent my entire life trying to avoid "busty button pucker" only to find I have to buy my shirts two sizes too big because someone thinks it is sexy to wear an ill-fitting shirt.

Swimsuits in my size or larger with a flimsy "shelf bra" I gotta say I wear an xl top.. and that shelf bra..... what are they thinking.... someone help me out here..... who designs this cr... stuff?

I'll be honest I wear an xl since having 2 kids, I'm not longer fit and trim and I was never "skinny" On the cusp of "gee if you lose anymore weight you wont be healthy" I was still a size 8 on bottom 10 on top and  I'm only 5 ft. my point, I do have one.  No longer fit trim or even psuedo svelte.. I should not be wearing anything with spaghetti straps or strapless (except a formal dress with built in support) and yet.. they make this stuff for my size and larger.... and really..... it is NOT flattering. (short shorts included...)

I've also spent an entire life time believing your bra is not meant to be outer wear.. it should not be visible through your shirt, and the straps should not be wider than the straps of the shirt you have on... and I still feel that way not matter what Victoria's secret is.

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Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Why is DA building your baby?

Ian, You have a shirt from Vacation Bible School, that is embellished with a brick cross and the words "Built by God" You where wearing it for our Memorial Day picnic, with Miss Dallas Ann and Aaron. You happily told Aaron all about your shirt, and that you where "built by God. Later having asked Miss Dallas Ann why she was so tired, reviewing her response that "building a baby is hard work" You posed this question to Aaron. "If God built me why is Dallas Ann building your baby and not God?"