Thursday, August 19, 2021

swamp witch woes

These two memes speak to me on a specific "soon to be old lady headed for 50 years old at break-neck speed where the hell did all the time go" level.


I don't get dressed up. I have nowhere to go. I wash my face, my hair, brush my teeth, for years, just the basics. 

But I recently decided I didn't want to have the face of a swamp witch. I'm past the point of not aging. I don't think that was ever in the cards for me anyway, no one on my family magically looks eternally youthful. But I'd like to grow old gracefully.  I'm trying to work out a skin routine that will help facilitate this without costing an arm and a leg. 

Yesterday,  I did none of it. No morning routine, no bedtime routine. I was practically comatose most of the day. 


Saturday, August 7, 2021

a bit ridiculous

 I'm in facebook jail again. Generally, I don't argue with people, and I'm on FB to keep up with my friends and be in a few groups to learn things. Like growing citrus trees in pots. I've learned that I'm not very good at that....

So, a bit over a month ago someone posted a meme or question that was something about "what would you if (someone was threatening you or your loved ones)?" I canr remember exactly what it said. And I responded that  

As in I'd defend myself or loved ones. 

I got jailed. I shared the screen shot of the restriction on fb when it happened because jail was no "go live" or "advertising" for 30 days and I tried to do a live video the chickens or the kittens and I couldn't.  That post flew under the fb radar apparently.  

So on a friend's post yesterday about being in fb jail for posting a meme about how women of a certain age are done with b.s. and commenting about burning stuff to the ground, I shared that screen shot again. Apparently the fb bots can not read the screen shots. They still don't know context but they can pick out single words and jail you for using them. 

By all means, let's put the artificial intelligence in charge, what could possibly go wrong?