Monday, June 16, 2008

i feel sick..

Our cat got out. and she hasn't come back. I think she was hiding in a bush close to the house when I opened the door on Saturday night, but that was before I knew she had even gotten out, and I thought nothing of the rustling, we get all kinds of country critter visits. We live near a busy road, there are coyotes near by..

oh.. she makes me crazy sometimes, but i still feel sick.

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  1. This is the worst feeling. Thermie used to escape and we live in an area where people either have indoor cats or no cats at all... anything outside is eaten my coyotes promptly. Here's hoping she comes back safe and sound!

  2. Thanks. I think she has been out 2 days now. :(

  3. Oh no! I hope Smitten returns soon! <3When Phillip got out once, I felt sick to my tummy too and I don't even like him! Can't imagine how it must feel with a pet you love...

  4. oh bugger will keep my fingers crossed with any luck she will have gone and found a good hiding palce keep calling & don't give up hope we lost one of ours for almost a month and then she just turned up one of our others brought her home! sending hugs & hope seeya hugya *G*

  5. I'm so sorry!My husband and I took in a lost cat last month. We posted fliers around the neighborhood and even mailed fliers to local vets, but we never found his original owners. We wanted to keep the cat as he was perfect for us (we fell in love with him the moment we met him), but we found out I am deathly allergic to cat dander (was rushed to the ER once a couple weeks ago). We had to give him up for adoption. At least he now has a loving family.I hope your cat stays safe and returns home soon. **hugs**

  6. She returned today! (and she is in heat :P hopefully this means she is not pregnant)

  7. That's great news! (I hope she's not pregnant, too.)
