Friday, June 6, 2008

five years is a long time..

Five years is a long time for the life of a digital camera. Yes, five years., I have been shooting with a 3meg Sony Cybershot. We paid about $600 for it when all was said and done. And the first pictures we took of it where all of the arrival of our second child.

 It died. The lens started to click last week, and then it had a psychotic breakdown. Now the lens doesnt move, open, click, nothing. The last picture it took was the boys last day of school, and it would not focus. So I have a blurry picture of their last day. It is dead dead dead. I think the lens  motor died or the gears broke. I looked around the internet and found Best Buy was selling the Nikon D40 started kit with an extra lens.

My husband bought it for our anniversary!!!

I have a real camera!!!!

Hubby picked it up at a store in Indiana last Friday, and plugged in the battery so it would be ready to go when he got here with it. On Saturday we went to a birthday party (sans hubby), and came home to Hubby, and new camera about 11pm. (But he left the battery in his truck! At his brothers house where he had stopped to get an old farm pickup trailer and haul home a tractor and a mower. So I had to be patient. Sunday we went to church, went to get the baler and wheel rake we bought,  which should have taken us 30 minutes... It didn't. We spent the day fighting the old farm pick-up that apparently needs a fuel pump. (We had Taco Bell for dinner, on the side of the road while the truck cooled off) In the end Hubby's friend Todd had to drive over in his GMC dually and drag our sorry butts home. At 10pm we set off to go get the semi, and my camera battery.

I outfitted a cute pink and green bag with cushy guts for the camera to live, and then I set it all on the bed so I could read the manual, then went to brush my teeth. Hubby walked to the bed and quipped, "baby is not sleeping with us". I didn't make his let me, I put the bag on the floor, but I could hear her whimpering



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  1. Thank You! I'm trying really hard not to tell hubby how much I'd like the 50mm 1.4 lens.. I don't want him to think I am ungrateful. lol

  2. oh yummy stuff now worried the silly pre photo shop photos I
    sent you are going to look like children’s drawings I still only have a little Pentax
    Optio s5i which is the size of a packet of cigarettes cost me £100 2 years ago I
    want an SLR but have to get out of debt first planning to get one for my 40th
    (4years) been trying to work out what I will need when I finally take the
    plunge not even sure what camera base to get will be reading with interest on
    how you do with it to help me with my window shopping! LoL love the dark framing
    Seeya hugya *G*

  3. First let me assure you I am in no way a camera snob, your pictures look great!, they are composed beautifully. Every picture out here before this camera, was taken with that cybershot. I think if you learn to use what you have, you can take a great picture with anything. There is a guy on flickr with some great pictures, all taken with his cell phone camera! I'll see if I can find the link for you!So far I am loving this camera, just the two biggest changes from using the film slr are fantastic, the fact that it is digital, and I can shoot off 60 pictures and not worry about the cost of film and developing, and the auto focus, fantastic.I think the best advice we got ever when camera shopping, (my mom has an slr-like camera) was to buy the camera that feels good in your hands. We held everything available, and what always felt good in my hands every time was a Nikon. All the Nikon's fit my hands better, and the d40 is pretty light for an slr, I like that too.
