Friday, October 6, 2006

QotD: The Day I Met My BFF(s)

How did you meet your best friend(s)?

lots of ways..

My very best friend is my husband and we met at college. Both on teh PAS team (think college FFA) there is a computer contest, a debate, a scholastic bowl and some other aggie acedemic contests...

My best girlfriend was also met in college, we showed up at teh the barn to do "foal watch" which at our little hick aggie school meant you spent the night sleeping in the class room in the barn and you got up every hour to check on the pregnant mare to look for any signs she was going to drop her foal anytime soon.  we showed up for this adventure wearing practically identical clothing  both with our cars full of our bedding, a radio, a deck of cards, snacks,  tapes and cd's to listen too and a couple books to read.. and we both left it all out in the car until we knew just how much crap the other person had brought. We were already friends, but this solidified the kindred soul thing.

I also have another kindred spirit from college met in the Equine program

 and kindred spirit highschool met in choir drama and such

and a kindred spirit met on the internet(on a book fan website). a couple of those actually...

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