Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Weird Remix

My mother in law, K brought down her cockatiel about 2 weeks ago. K is an over the road trucker. Her friend was taking care of Max, until this friend got angry. She left Max on K's front porch. Kay was just going to take him to the pet store and leave, so I told her to bring him here, if he was not a good pet for us we'd find him a new home later.

Max has been fairly annoying. He has squawked one annoying note since he got here. Until Sunday. Sunday he started to ring like a telephone. beep beep beep pause beep beep beep pause beep beep beep. It gave us quite a giggle. Monday he expanded him repertoire to include a weird remix of robin chirps, sparrow songs, and juvenile chicken chirps. All mixed into the same weird tune. I can't wait to hear his next remix. (Thank goodness we aren't in the city so it wont be firetrucks and ambulance sirens)

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  1. great friend how to get back at someone harming they're pets! don't let the kids teach him naughty words they always pick up naughty words! seeya hugya *G*

  2. sadly, he is more likely to pick up the bad words from me.. :P

  3. lol now you have watch your potty mouth cause you have a parrot recorder! LoL good luckseeya hugya *G*
