Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Oh Mother Nature why are your knickers in such a knot?

It was 50F when I took the kids to school this morning, and now we are under a wind advisory and a blizzard warning. There is a big storm moving across Iowa, only 2-4 inches of snow expected, but, winds of 25 - 45 miles an hour are beating a path this way.

The house is cold. The wind comes right through the wall of my bedroom, and up through floors in the kitchen and dining room. I'm not thrilled by this, but such is life in a 150 year old house. What I dread is the possibility of a power outage. Hubby is on his way to get a load in Texas, and I cannot start the generator.I cant start anything with a pull cord. Never once have I made that happen. I hope the power stays on.

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  1. Be careful! Our weather 71F and falling to 15F (one day). I don't know about precip or winds for us but these huge swings sound "tornado-y" to me.

  2. I dont think it was warm enough earlier to foster a twister, and I think the wind is moving too flat out and fast, but you never know.. Usually the sky out here gets the icky greenish grey cast when its tornado weather and the air gets a peculiar feel to it. dont have either but, the wind gusts are so powerful, that is bad enough. I'll be watching the news for tornado warnings and chatter about it.

  3. We currently have -11F and very windy making wind chill very dangerous. Saint Paul, MN.
