Friday, December 1, 2006

You know its time to drop a few pounds when...

... you put on your insulated Carhart overalls and resemble a toasted staypuff marshmallow man.....

yeah... The high temp yesterday was 24F, and the heavens dropped 8 inches of snow where I live. As we are out in the country and it was wind driven snow we have 2 foot drifts in places and bare grass in others.. the driveway is buried... Last week I washed my Carharts in preparation for winter. I bought this pair when I was working on a breeding farm.. and I had to buy them too big because the only pair short enough for me was too big. Well a few years and two children later.. they are not too big anymore....

They are in great shape.. although it would be simpler to buy a bigger pair, it would be cheaper and healthier to lose a few pounds... Besides I need to buy another blanket for the beast, so I'm better off dropping a few pounds and having the $ to put toward a horse blanket than having to buy myself new carharts.. (plus the kids need snow pants too....) thank God I got them snow boots last week, because I bet there aren't anymore in the stores now...

I however need gloves.. insulated gloves.. that I can spill water on and not freeze my fingers....I wonder if those are sold out...

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