Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Mr. Coffee, You're Fired!

Only I drink coffee at my house. My husband doesn't drink coffee, and well, if I told you the 6year old and the 3 year old drank coffee you'd worry about my family wouldn't you? Because I'm the sole coffee drinker in this family, and always have been, a friend gave me a Melitta 4-cup coffee maker before I got married. (it was the one you got free with an enrollment in the Gelvalia coffee club) I love that little coffee pot...

Last night I dropped the carafe. It fell on a video box, and then rolled onto the floor and broke. I almost cried. So.. in desperation today I dug out the old Mr Coffee 10 cup pot... *yuck* the coffee just does not taste the same.. i am officially a coffee snob I guess... and at that I'm a Melitta coffee maker snob.

so.. I'm looking on eBay for a new one.. but while I have recounted my sad tale to my Mom and a few other people my Mom and a friend have both thought that they might have an unused 4-cup Melitta from Gevalia in their garage or basement. I figure Murphy's law of eBay will prevail.. if they both have one I will also win the one I'm bidding on, but if they don't either one have one anymore, chances are I will lose the auction in a last minute bidding frenzy. And that will make me very sad.

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  1. Gevalia coffee subscription you say? Sounds promising.Naturally, the clever bastards don't actually list all their promotional plans, I have to find a code for a specific offer. Still, worth looking into.

  2. Have you ever tried brewing with a French press?

  3. I use a french press. Grind the coffee beans at a coarse setting. You will have to play with the measurements and ratios. I can't remember what I use right now for the ratio (but it's probably way less than a normal coffee drinker). Then pour boiling water over the grounds and put the press lid on with the plunger raised. Allow the coffee to brew (I like 4 minutes) then plunge. With the grounds trapped beneath the plunger pour yourself a cup of fresh coffee.You can find inexpensive french presses at Target.

  4. The only problem I can see with the french press is that I will be driving the kids to school when I realize that the coffee is still brewing and I never poured myself a cup! I have heard of them but i've never had coffee made in one.. how does it differ from your run of the mill coffee maker?

  5. All: I believe that many experts feel that a French press produces the best-tasting cup when brewing a single serving. You should use 1 TB of coarsely ground coffee for every 3 oz.of water. Enjoy!

  6. I may have to try it sometime, it will probably spoil me for good.. just like learning a tea kettle was better for tea than using the microwave. .. for now I got a new coffee pot on ebay.. for about 15$ all said and done. that's $5 less than a crummy little 4 cup Mr. coffee pot at Walmart.. I am happy, for now..and M. Coffee, poor thing, will be going back into his box.
