What are your personal memories of September 11th?
The day after Ian's First Birthday..... I remember I was taking Ian to the eye Doctor, and we had to rush to get ready so I didnt have the TV on or the radio, until we got in the car. I remeber teh radio station mentioned briefly the first tower had been hit, and then they went back to their same old thing musically. It wasn't until my Mom called me to tell me what the news was saying; that it looked intentional rather than accidental, that I began to realize the gravity of the situation. We met at teh doctor office and everyone was standing around watching it on the TV, we could not take our eyes off of it...
But frankly we could not do anything about it.. so after the doctor visit we ran a couple errands, but not to the mall it was closed... all malls where considered targets... I think they sent all the employees home from Caterpillar too. after we got home we wathced it for the rest of the day, I remember very vividly the talk of being prepared for triage only to realize there was no one to triage after the first few hours... those who didnt get out and away didnt make it.
Then I remember the stories that began to come out. The pres. of Cantor Fitzgerald (sp?), who took his son to his first day of school and because of that was the only one not killed from his company. The two brothers making the documentary at one of the fire houses that one had to wait to see if his brother had made it. The "let's roll" story. The heart breaking thoughts that some mother like me was looking at her baby trying to figure out how she would press on with her life now that her husband was gone....
I taped some of the coverage at the time so that one day Ian would be able to watch it if he wanted too. I don't know if anything afterward can do justice the surreal and frightening feeling of the day itsself... I truly hope this is the most aweful thing to happen to the US in my son's lifetime.
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