Wednesday, August 23, 2006

$150 in uniform clothes later....

and I'm sure we will need another pair of pants and at least one or two more shirts :P But if the kids grows as slow as he has the rest of his life he will be wearing these until 4th grade.... (ok that is an exageration.. but he did just finally outgrow 3t pants this past spring.. poor kid he's about to be 6)   I got him the shortest smallest size.. and I wont be suprised if he can wear them next year too. I wont be suprised if he actually grows either. It has to happen sometime right?  The blue polo shirt I picked up is long sleaved.. :P I meant to get all short sleaved shirts to start with.. *sigh* thats what I get for not paying attention. I did get two white shirts for the boy.. frankly i think that is a bad idea..... I think maybe my best bet for him to look reasonable clean is to dress him all in navy....  everyday .. in spite of that I got the kid red shirts and tan pants too, along with the white :P and i'm washing it all before tomorrow.

Yes, tomorrow is Ian's first day of school... PreKindergarten.  I still have missed feelings about holding him back.. he will be 6 in September and next year when he goes to Kindergarten he will be 7 at the beginning of the year... While I was young in my class, I was far from youngest.. there where a 4 people younger..  My younger brother was the youngest by far in his class and you could tell.... you still can tell. I love my brother but.... yeah...


So, I dont want my son to be scocially behind everyone else.. but jeepers as it was for preschool he had the first birthday of the year. and i think he might have been the oldest child.

Additionally, his cousin, T,  is the same age.. (two days older) and he is getting signed up for Kindergarten, but he has to have the screening test his school does, and I'm kind of hoping he doesnt get into Kindergarten just because I dont want to have the "if we are the same age, why aren't we both in X grade" discussion *sigh* and I really dont want to have to explain it to the cousin D who is 9, because he never forgets.. and if you dont explain something to his satisfaction he never lets the subject die.  aurg...



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