A few weeks ago I took these two chickens to school to visit the Kindergarten class.
They both got a bath before we went, and dried with the hair drier. One didn't mind and the other seemed to enjoy. I put them in an old rabbit cage together and loaded up an egg carton with a variety of the eggs we get.
I took a couple of the biggest eggs we get, a couple of the smallest, a few pink eggs and peach eggs and some greenies.
I let the kids pass the eggs around and everyone got to pet the chickens, both of whom behaved very well.
I put Thalia the little brown hen in the cage what I fielded questions from the kids and while I was holding Greta, the black and white hen, Thalia laid an egg in the cage. A green egg. She is my green layer.
The kids all got to hold and pass around a fresh laid warm egg. Not a single one of them said it was gross. Not one. It was pretty cool.
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