I can't tell you how satisfied I am with the impeachment, removal from office and decision to never let Rod Blagojevich hold office in Illinois again. I was irritated when he was elected the first time, I was downright angry when it happened again, and he has been nothing but bad news for Illinois during his entire reign of terror.
Friday, January 30, 2009
Saturday, January 10, 2009
I have not spent much ti me on here.. I started a blogger blog to share photos with family. (my vox is the place that if I need to vent about family I can, I started it because the people whom I needed to vent about all knew my Live journal address and I could not write about them pushing my buttons where they could read it)
So.. anyway If you want to check out the other blogs shoot me a pm.. but I'm going to try to start keeping the photos here up to date with what I am up to. I thought I would get alot more up but I think I hit my monthy upload limit! I did not even know I had one!
So all the new photos are what I have been up to for the second half of 2008.
This is how I spent my summer. Stalking the flowers.
And I spent a lot of time this fall admiring the ongoing riot of color dripping from the trees.
Plus all my time admiring assorted dry plants, and dead flowers
And the odd obsession I have with field corn, donkeys and squirrels. That pudgy squirrel was so hungry, she let me stand 20 feet from her and shoot for about 20 minutes. So I did, and it was cold!
Then all those same plants get all glazed and confused in Ice storm season. and I am crazy enough to be out in teh cold to take pictures.
I have a whole bunch more photos not posted, but I'll try to keep up a little better from now on.