We all have a few pet peaves, its normal to have them. I've been thinking lately and I'd say more than half of mine are driving related. Mostly revolving around reckless, dangerous, or selfish driving. You know the people I'm talking about.
The people who pass you on the right after you have just passed a semi, because they cant wait for you to get over in the right hand lane at a safe distance.
The people who dodge in and out between cars so they can get caught at the same train crossing as you, just 3 cars ahead.
The people who speed 90 mph down a country road so they don't have to drive the speed limit on the highway where there might be *gasp* a law enforcement agent.
The people who do not turn on their lights with their wipers, despite that it is the law and their grey car is the same color as the pavement and the sky, rendering them practically invisible.
The people who cut you off, making you slam on your brakes hoping the guy behind you does not rear end you, only to see that person dropping off their children at school with yours.
The people who cut across the parking lot, and are pissed off to find you driving down the aisle like you are supposed to, because you are in their way.
Or better yet the people going the wrong way down an aisle or in the entrance or exit who try to squeeze past you when there is barely room for one vehicle, and are equally pissed off to find you in their way.
It boils down to this, my life and the life of my children is worth more than the 5 seconds these people will gain getting to their destination. Isn't yours? I'm appalled that they don't think so, and frightened to be sharing the road with most of them.