I guess that should be the rooster who defected, but really the defective rooster has more appeal. We have 5 chickens 3 hens, Grace, Guinney, and Rachel and 2 roosters, Spot and Zeke. Zeke is the dominant roo. The roo's aren't necessary to get eggs, the hens lay without a roo. We only have 2 because you had to buy 5 chicks and they only had 3 female chicks left. Roos are kind of a pain, they feel the "need to breed" constantly. They are annoying to the hens, and if they perceive you as a chicken, then they feel the need to challenge you as another roo. This entails grabbing your leg with theirs and flogging you with their head. And at our house the attempt to do this is met with a kick in the bum or head. (plus some choice names said at the roo.)
I'll grant you they are protective of the girls and they will get between them and a hawk or a possum, I have seen both things happen. But that is where their endearing qualities end.
After being locked up together in the chicken house for most of the winter, it is finally nice enough for the chickens to free range the yard, Spot, whom already had an inferiority complex, has decided to go live with the ducks down the hill. We rent a bit of our pasture to a man who has ducks and a few hens. Spot has decided to claim these girls as his harem and live with them. He's gone to visit before but has always been home at lock down time, no more. He has not come home all week, since Monday. And I have decided not to go chasing after him. I'm a bad chicken keeper aren't I? Oh well.